Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/76

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assessment on 'dry' lands ranges from Rs. 3-0-1 to Re. 0-10-2 per acre, the average being Re. 0-12-9, while for 'wet' and baghat (garden) lands the average is Rs. 4-5-6 per acre, the maximum being Rs. 15 and the minimum Re. 1-2-0. In the Telingana districts the average assessment on 'dry' lands is Re. 0-13-5 (maximum Rs. 4, minimum Re. 0-1-0) and on 'wet' lands Rs. 9-4-2, the maximum and minimum being Rs. 24 and Rs. 3 respectively. The average rate per acre for the whole State is Re. 1-3-8, but for Marathwara and Telingana it is Re. 0-14-3 and Re. 1-13-10 respectively, the high rate of assessment and the smallness of holdings in Telingana being due to the prevalence of 'wet' cultivation. No reliable figures are available to show the gross produce, and it is impossible to say what proportion of the land revenue demand bears to it. No difficulty is experienced in collecting the revenue, and there is very little resort to coercive measures. The general principle of assessment is to take half the net profits, after paying cost of cultivation, etc., as the State's share."

In times of scarcity and famine the demand is suspended and recovered in the