Page:Modern Manners.djvu/9

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thank friends for wedding gifts by telephone or in person. A personal note should be sent promptly upon receipt of each gift.

Q. Should one congratulate a bride?

A. No, the groom should be congratulated, and felicitations offered the bride.

Q. What is the usual order of the bridal procession?

A. The following arrangement is frequently used: The ushers walk slowly down the aisle two by two. The bridesmaids follow in the same manner, the maid of honor comes next alone, followed by the bride on the arm of her father. If she has no father, or other male relative to accompany her down the aisle, she may enter alone or with her mother.


Q. Does a girl baby have as many godmothers as a boy baby?

A. A girl baby has two godmothers and one godfather, while a boy baby has one godmother and two godfathers. These are selected from among the most intimate friends of the parents.

Q. What are the duties of a godparent?

A. The duties of a godparent are not many. He promises to befriend the child always and advise it at any time he is called upon; at the christening he gives the baby a gift, usually a silver mug, a knife, fork, and spoon, some suitable piece of jewelry, or a check to start a bank account.

Q. When one is invited to a christening is it necessary to take a gift for the baby?

A. Each person who is invited to the christening is expected to remember the infant with a gift of some sort.

Q. Who holds a baby during the christening service?

A. Usually one of the godmothers.

Q. Is the priest or rector given a fee for the christening?

A. It is customary, according to the means of the parents. None is absolutely required.

Q. Does an invitation to a christening require a call later?

A. Not necessarily.

Q. Who should be invited to a christening?

A. The list should be small, chiefly close relatives and friends who might be expected to have a deep interest in your child.

Q. May a christening be held at home?

A. Yes, unless your church rules require it to be held in a sacred edifice.


Q. Is a member of a bereaved family expected to receive friends or acquaintances who are making calls of condolence?

A. Usually a close friend or a relative of the family receives persons calling to extend their sympathy. Of course in the case of a very intimate friend, the family may wish to see him. However, this is always left to the decision of the family, as no one should intrude at such a time.

Q What order of precedence should be followed in a funeral procession?