When Science woos the Muse, his mystic loreMay with new words increase the ancient store[1].Or, so the charter runs, may claim the aidOf borrow'd speech, from distant climes convey'd[2].His native tongue enrich'd, too poor alone,Shines with new strength and beauties not its own.
This was but glimm'ring dawn. Our glorious dayGrants ev'ry licence now, to ev'ry lay.
- ↑ . . . . . .Si forte necesse est,Indiciis monstrare recentibus abdita rarum, Fingere cinctutis non exaudita Cethegis,Continget, dabiturque licentia sumpta pudenter. Hor. ep. ad pis.
- ↑ Usque adeo patriae tibi si penuria vocisObstabit, fas Grajugenûm felicibus oris Devehere informem massam, quam incude LatinaInformans patrium jubeas ediscere morem.Vid. Poet. lib, iii, 272.