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BLESSED Cross! from thee have come the Sacraments of the Church. By thee Priests are consecrated, the sick receive the last anointing, the dying are strengthened and comforted.

O CROSS of my Redeemer and my Cod, how sweet and powerful thou art to heal the wounds of our soul, to comfort our sorrowing hearts! Thou hast brought salvation and joy to the world, and plunged into hell the demons of gloom and despair.

THOU art the hope of the faithful, the shield of martyrs, the strength of confessors, the crown of virgins, the consolation of the sorrowing, the support of old age, the guide of youth, and the refuge of all in tribulation.

PRECIOUS tree, thou that hast borne on thy branches the Fruit of Life, and witnessed the anguish of the Mother of Jesus, grant that at my death I may be received by Him to whom thou hast served as the instrument of my salvation. Amen.