Page:Monthly scrap book, for April.pdf/17

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put the comb in her pocket, and then bent down her head and whispered some words to the water that was close to the foot of the rock.

Dick saw the murmur of the words upon the top of the sea, going out towards the wide ocean, just like a breath of wind rippling along, and, says he, in the greatest wonder, “Is it speaking you are, my darling, to the salt water?"

"It's nothing else,” says she, quite carelessly, "I'm just sending word home to my father, not to be waiting breakfast for me; just to keep him from being uneasy in his mind."

“And who's your father, my duck? says Dick.

"What!” said she, “did you never hear of my father? he's the king of the waves, to be sure!"

“And yourself, then, is a real king's daughter?" said Dick, opening his two eyes to take a full and true survey of his wife that was to be. “Oh, I'm nothing else but a made man with you, and a king your father;-to be sure he has all the money that's down in the bottom of the sea!"

"Money," repeated she, “what's money?"

“'Tis no bad thing to have when one wants it," replied Dick; "and may be now the fishes have the understanding to bring up whatever you bid them?"

“Oh! yes, they bring me what I want.”

“To speak the truth then,” said Dick, “'tis a straw bed I have at home before you, and that, I'm thinking, is no ways fitting for a king's daughter; so if ’twould not be displeasing to you, just