Page:Monthly scrap book, for April.pdf/2

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(For the Scrap Book.)

AN Aberdonian ship, call'd the Endeavour,
Lay in the Thames, that stream, whose racy flavour
Gives zest to porter. This said vessel's crew
Were sworn at dighgate, to themselves still true;
All Yorkshire, over zealous to protect
Their lumbers, ne'er on shore at night would venture,
The boat was hoisted up to save the painter,
While the coil'd cable lay secured on deck.

At midnight, dreaming o'er their loves, the tars
In luscious slumbers lock'd, were loudly snoring,
While scouts were out upon their pilfering wars,
And two bold thieves the drowsy scene exploring,
Found all things ready;-never dreamt those wretches,
In search of ropes-of gallowses or Ketches!

Cautious, as if spring-guns were planted there,
One of the robbers scaled the ship with care,
While his companion, rocking in the wherry.
Chewing his quid, look'd every thing but merry!
The water-thief, the cable's folds divided,
Which o'er the vessel's dark sides smoothly glided,
When, lo! he started; for a sudden growl
Grew to the roaring thunder of a howl
From the roused watch-dog, that cried out so brief,
Just in the nick of time, Pray, catch the thief!"

Alarmed, the captain, and his drowsy crew,
Sprung to the deck, with many an angry whew!
When casting up their red shot eyes, they saw
The culprit on the rigging, trembling wait,
The dreadful sentence of his future fate,

Told that the robber's messmate fled from slaughter;
For, slipping from the gunwale to the ground
He thought it no advantage to get drown'd;
And, swimming to the shore, without his paddle,
Bade an adieu to wherry, comrade, cableǃ

The jolly tars, the knave's intention scorning,
Gazed on the caitiff, perch'd up in the shrouds,
Ghastly aud grim, like Neptune in the clouds;-
Just threw a look of menning to the rogue,
Bade him, "Good night!"-
And left him to the dog,
To freeze with cold, or die of fright,
A prisoner till the morning light,