Page:Monthly scrap book, for April.pdf/22

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in London. With a view to his return, he went to Smithfield to purchase a horse. About dusk, a handsome horse was offered to him at so cheap a rate, that he was led to suspect the animal was unsound, but as he could discover no blemish, he became the purchaser. Next morning he set out on his journey; his horse had excellent paces, and the few first miles, while the road was well frequented, our traveller spent in congratulating himself on his good fortune, in having made so good a bargain: On Finchley Common, and at a place where the road ran down a slight ascent and up another, the traveller met a clergyman driving a one-horse chaise. There was nobody within sight, and the horse, by his maneuvre, plainly intimated what had been the profession of his former owner. Instead of passing the chaise, he laid his counter close up to it, and stopt it, having no doubt but his rider would embrace so fair an opportunity of exercising. his vocation. The clergyman, never doubting the idenity of the equestrian, produced his purse, unasked, and assured the astonished lawyer, that it was quite unnecessary to draw his pistol, as he did not intend to offer any resistance. The traveller rallied his horse, and, with many apologies to the gentleman he had so innocently and unwillingly affrighted, pursued his journey. The horse next. made the same suspicious approach to a coach, from the windows of which a blunderbuss was levelled, with denunciation of death and destruction to the rider, though sackless, as he used to express it, of all of fences in word or deed. In short, after his life had been once or twice endangered by the suspicions