Page:Monthly scrap book, for April.pdf/24

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This month requires the greatest exertions of any in the year with the gardener, the ground being ready to receive whatever is planted or sown. Sow pease and beans and sallads, every ten or fourteen days. Plant potatoes, and transplant cauliflowers, lettuces, &e. Sow parsley, celery, endive, purslane, and pot sweet herbs. Hoe pease and beans, and sow more for a succession: stick tall growing pease when four or five inches high, and top beans when come to their full height. Thin out onions, carrots, turnips, and spinage. Plant evergreens in moist weather, and all kinds of flowering shrubs. Sow French beans in dry weather. Water new planted trees in dry weather. Clear gravel walks and form thrift and box edgings. Sow all kinds of hardy flower seeds. Transplant tender annual flowers from the hot bed.

Many kinds of annuals and perennials, sown in March and the beginning of April, will be fit for transplanting about the end of May, and may either be planted in patches about borders, or in beds, as fancy shall direct. Of these, the kinds improved by transplanting are, amaranthuses, China asters, columbines, French and love lies bleeding, mallows, mignionette, prince's feather, scabious, stocks, sun-flowers, sweet Williams, wall-flowers, and others. They should be planted out in a showery time, if possible, or otherwise be frequently watered, till they have struck root.

April 1st ho. m. April 30th ho. m.
Day breaks ..... 3 32 ..... 2 10
Sun rises ..... 5 34 ..... 4 30
Sunsets ..... 6 26 ..... 7 21
Twilight ends ..... 8 28 ..... 6 50