Page:Monthly scrap book, for April.pdf/8

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dwells on every countenance, impatience sparkles in every eye, when the steel-mounted warrior, by a well-aimed stroke, lays his party-coloured antagonist apparently lifeless on the floor.

As when Wellington's heroes set up a 'Hurra!' that made the heart of every Frenchman collapse, like a bladder when an idle boy expels its internal air;-such was the shout now heard, and which nearly rent the roof of Jonathan's barn; but being recently built, and of good materials, it stood the shock, although the thatch was rumpled on the roof; and the proprietor has often affirmed, that previous to this event, his establishment was overrun with rats and mice; but since that memorable exertion of lungs, not one has ever infested the premises.

Fate had not yet done tantalizing those, who were so deeply interested in this most arduous and protracted conflict. Scarce had the echo of the premature shout of victory died upon the ear; the cobwebs pendent from the roof were still fluttering from the repercussion of the air; when the speckled chieftain rose, shook his ensanguined plumes, and looked calmly round him. His haughty rival stood at a slight distance, clapping his wings,

"Pride in his port, defiance in his eye."

Indignation warned the breast of the discomfited warrior, and in the very moment that the fancied victor opened his mouth to sing “Io triumphe!" the heel of his antagonist struck him in the throat, and checked in its passage the note of self-applause.