Page:Monthly scrap book, for February.pdf/13

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receive theirs. This ceremony over, the candles are lighted, the pope is mounted in his chair and carried in procession, with hymns chaunting, round the antichapel; the throne is stripped of its splendid hangings; the pope and cardinals take off their gold and crimson dresses, put on their ordinary robes, and the usual mass of the morning is sung. The blessing of the candles takes place in all the parish churches.

Year Book.

(Concluded from our last.)

"Hollo! is any one there?" quoth a voice from within. "Yes!" said Darby, smothering his anger and simulating in order to gain an entry, "a friend!"

"A friend," replied the voice, and a deep silence of many minutes succeeded—Darby constantly expecting that the door would, be unbarred for his admittance. At length his patience was exhausted, and he beat the pannel with absolute malice. His knocking was this time more violent and protracted than ever, and he desisted not until the same voice as before hailed him from within. "Holly! is any one there?"

Darby, this time, scorned a lie, and loudly vociferated "Dash your daylights—don't you hear there is? It's me, the man o' th' leather."

"Oho! Man o' the leather!" was the reply.