Page:Monthly scrap book, for May.pdf/11

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that they rushed forward and met each other- that the shock of their collision produced immediate death to both, and that at the same instant they lay lifeless on the floor. But there were a few, who, either from observing more keenly, or being interested in the catastrophe, were, of a different opinion. One affirmed, that the black hero made the greatest progress in his advance to meet the enemy-that he came up in quick march, while the other advanced in slow time; hence it was evident, that, allowing that they had both started at the same instant, one shewed more eagerness for the fight than the other.

Another asserted, that the party-coloured warrior gave the last stroke. A third, that the champion in armour only fell in consequence of his antagonist tumbling over him, when no longer able to stand. Disputes were multiplied, and "of their wrangling seemed no end."

Some writers on the human constitution have affirmed, that both body and mind are influenced by the nature of the aliment taken into the stomach. Be this as it may, the doctrine appeared plausible enough on the present occasion; for, as the arguments were protracted, the wrath of the parties increased. From high words, threats followed; gesticulations succeeded, which were answered with proud defiance. At length, as if the spirits of the murdered warriors had been inhaled by the company, and incorporated into their system, they all at once proceeded to blows. The combatants were arranging themselves on different sides, and preparing for a regular systematic action, for as