Page:Monthly scrap book, for May.pdf/15

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ried her to a pond at a small distance, and soused her over head and ears; when she lifted her head, he asked if she was now willing to walk home quietly, assuring her she should lie there till she gave her consent. A few minutes cooled down her wrath; her husband assisted her to rise; and she walked off in sullen silence. The mob were prevailed upon to disperse, and the company separated soon after.

The human mind is a compound of most heterogeneous principles. Had any one accused me, of feeling pleasure in the sufferings or misfortunes of my fellow-creatures, or even of being negligent or indifferent in my endeavours to promote the happiness of my species, my heart would have warranted me in denying the charge. Yet candour obliges me here to confess, that the foregoing circumstances, when related, gave me no real concern; perhaps, I was not sorry to hear them. And I could not refrain from saying to myself, "Well, this comes of despising my advice!"

Scottish Probationer.


This dignitary of the Romish church was assassinated on the 28th of May, 1546. He was primate of Scotland, over which he exercised almost sovereign sway, Just before his death he got into his power George Wishart, a gentleman by birth, who preached against Romish superstitions, and caused him to be condemned to the stake for heresy. The cardinal refused the sacrament to his