Page:Monthly scrap book, for May.pdf/24

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taunted with the name of him upon whom she has set her heart. In this way some of the most wonderful hits, and misses, escapes and seizures, take place at times that ever were known in the art of manoeuvring; and the intuitive quickness with which she can distinguish the true from the false voice among many that whisper at her window in the, course of an evening, almost exceeds credibility.

Traits of Scottish Life.


The following method of making yeast for bread is easy and expeditious. Boil one pound of good flour, a quarter of a pound of brown sugar, and a little salt, in two gallons of water, for an hour, when milk warm, bottle and cork it close; it will be fit for use in twenty-four hours. One mutchkin of it will make eighteen pounds of bread.


Sow cabbages, cauliflowers, and savoys, for a late crop, and transplant those formerly sown, when ready. Sow full crops of French and Turkey beans, marrowfat, and other kind of pease. Every week during the suminer months sow lettuces, &c. for a constant supply of salad. Earth up celery, and thin carrots, onions, turnips, and spinage, where necessary, taking care to leave the strongest plants. Plant cucumbers under hand glasses. Water, in dry weather, young fruit trees, and protect the roots from the heat, with short grass laid round the stems. Cut box edgings. Nail up young shoots of wall-trees, and tie espaliers with twigs of the golden willow. Remove plants out of the green-house, and place them in a shady sheltered border, observing to water them daily.

MAY 1st. ho. m. May 30th. ho. m.

Day breaks.............2 7

Sun rises,..............4 37 Sun rises,..............3 54

-sets...............7 23 -sets,..............8 6

Twilight ends.........9 53