Page:Monthly scrap book, for May.pdf/4

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dered more dear by the contemplation of former busy and dangerous career.

I was once a guest at a marriage-feast in Southern Africa. A young man, with whom I ha contracted an intimacy during the few months that circumstances obliged me to tarry at the Cape of Good Hope, invited me to accompany him on fortnight's journey up the country, to a wealthy boor's house, whose daughter he was going to marry. I had nothing to do, time hung heavily upon me, and I gladly accepted his offer.

We set forward in high spirits, and proceeded as straight as the nature of the country would allow, towards our destination. My young companion knew each mountain, rivulet, kloof, and resting place from the coast upwards even to the land of the Caffrees; having been on innumerable bartering expeditions, to different parts of the country, and accustomed to travel from one place to another from his very childhood. It was on one of these journeys that he first met with the daughter of old Hendrick Groning, and he contrived to prolong his visit at the boor's house, until he won the young girl's heart; and after obtaining her father's consent to their marriage, hastened away to Cape Town, wound up his affairs with all possible expedition, and made up his mind to spend the remainder of his life with the family of the boor. On these conditions only would Hendrick agree to the match; and my young friend was so enamoured of the descendant of the Dutch Gronings, that, with very little reluctance, he assented to old Hendrick's whim.