Page:Monthly scrap book, for September.pdf/15

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habitual affection, than the passion of love. We were brought up by our grandmother in the same house, and it was a thing spoken of from the beginning, that Betty and me were to be married. So when she heard that the Laird of Breadland had given me the presentation of Dalmailing, she began to prepare for the wedding. And as soon as the placing was well over, and the manse in order, I gaed to Ayr, where she was, and we were quietly married, and came home in a chaise, bringing with us her little brother Andrew, that died in the East Indies, and he lived and was brought up by us.

Now, this is all, I think, that happened in that year; worthy of being mentioned, except that at the sacrament, when old Mr Kilfuddie was preaching in the tent, it came on such a thunder-plump, that there was not a single soul stayed in the kirk-yard to hear him; for the which he was greatly mortified, and never after came to our preachings. Galt.


The Seceders are a numerous body of Scottish Presbyterians, who first broke off from the kirk establishment about the year 1733. The Secession was formed on the alleged ground of corruption, both in doctrine and government, in the National Church, and with a view to restore the genuine principles of Presbyterianism. In the salutary work of reform, the celebrated Ebenezer and Ralph Erskine took a leading part; and in 1745, the