Page:Monthly scrap book, for September.pdf/20

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man breathing; and only require a proper occasion of eliciting proofs of it."

They had by this time strolled into the fields at a considerable distance from any houses, when an armed robber rushed suddenly from behind a hedge, and with imprecations, threatened them with instant death, unless they immediately delivered their money.

"Now," says the charitable man, "now my friend, exert yourself and save our lives and property."

But the threats of the footpad, so intimidated the worthy moralists, that they very quietly delivered their purses.

The valiant person, was now ironically upbraided by his companion, who positively declared, that if he had rendered the least assistance, he would undoubtedly have secured the thief and given him up to justice.

"You could not certainly have expected me," said he "to rush on with chivalric spirit to the attack, for I have naturally a very delicate sense of danger, and require evident odds in my favour, if ever I came to an encounter, for valor is not my forte, but and a truce to recrimination; let us from henceforth cease to upbraid each other, for we have proved evidently enough, that though charity and bravery are terms we understand perfectly well, we nevertheless willingly leave the practice to other men.


During the American war of 1799, a British officer was sent with a flag from George town to