Page:Monthly scrap book, for September.pdf/3

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Method of catching Wild Cattle in
South America.

Our host was a native Chilian, but of Spanish descent. He was a considerable landed proprietor, who passed the greater part of his time on his estate, and who, froth his knowledge of farming, cattle-breeding, and the cultivation of the vine, had been enabled not only to turn his property to good account, but to obtain great influence in the (illegible text)

Between four and five o'clock, the siesta, or afternoon nap, being over, our friends, rubbing their eyes, gradually made their appearance; by half past five, we were all assembled. The careta, which is merely a covered cart, and well supplied with mats and straw in place of springs, was ordered for the ladies, who set out to pay what they were pleased to call "gossiping country visits."

The gentlemen rode in another direction to see the cattle selected for next day's Matanza or slaughter. We were guided, by a cloud of dust, to the spot where the country people had collected the drove, and hemmed them into a corner. The master of the house, accompanied by the principal horseman of his farm, rode amongst the beasts, and fixing his eye upon the fattest, pointed it out to the attendants, who soon separated it, by means of their goads, from the rest. In this way, fifteen were selected, and being surrounded by about a