THE Millinery business of Baltimore is one of her leading industries. In addition to the domestic goods manufactured in this city, and other sec- tions of the United States, large quantities of the choicest goods are imported from abroad for this market. The largest House in the country, and perhaps the oldest, is located in this city. It was established in 1813, and by enterprise and prudence, has developed into its present proportions. The Firm occupies four buildings, two as warehouses and two for the trans- action of its daily business. The clerical force of the establishment numbers seventy-two persons, in addition to which, seventy females are employed (in the Work Eooms) in the manufacture of Millinery. White Goods, an interest which is largely represented in many of our leading .Jobbing Houses, has been made an especial feature of their business. In connection with .this Establishment, is a Firm, engaged Extensively in the manufacture of Ladies' Hats, &c. These hats are made exclusively for the Millinery Establishment mentioned above, and during the months of March, April, May, June, Sep- tember, and October, one hundred females are constantly engaged in their manufacture. It will thus be seen that a single establishment in our city for the manufacture and sale of Millinery, and the sale of White Goods, gives employment during the greater portion of the year to two hundred and fifty persons. Their importations are very large ; two Buyers, one for the White Goods Department, and the other for the Milliner}'-, being employed for the selection and purchase of foreign goods ; and only such as are superior in quality and design to those manufactured in our own country are offered to the Trade in this city. The Southern trade with Baltimore in this branch of Industry is very great; Avhile of late years, extensive connections have been formed with the West, and a heavy business is done in the States of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Kansas, and Missouri.