Page:Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse.pdf/131

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Oh, spring to life! with joy renew'd,
And pour the strain of gratitude,
On bended knee, with holy fear,
With humble hope, with faith sincere.

Before the sun shall raise his head
    To smile upon the blushing day,
Or from his chamber rush to lead
    The young, and thin-rob'd dawn away.

Before the morn with tresses fair
Shall sail upon the waveless air,
Oh, let thy soul ascend as free,
Thy heart be tun'd to harmony,
And meekly to thy Maker bear,
The early vow, the early prayer,
Unstain'd with shades of earthly care.

Kneel like a suppliant at his feet,
    Yet like a child address his throne,
And let an hour so calm, so sweet,
    Be sacred to thy God alone.