Page:Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse.pdf/175

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against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh;" and nothing but the stroke that separates them can destroy this opposition.


Why should man fear death? Why should we fear to tread a narrow passage to a better world; to pass the portal of a temple immortal, not made with hands? It is the fear of futurity that plants thorns in the pillow of death. For if we were assured of the favour of Him who ruleth in that unseen world, if we were confirmed in our title to that incorruptible mansion, though the parting from present things might be painful, or the passage from them dreadful, yet we should lift up our heads, and rejoice, knowing that our redemption drew nigh.


If you yield to difficulties you encourage weakness of mind, and prepare yourself to be often overcome and held in bondage. If you were an inhabitant of Russia or Lapland, would you say, I cannot go out to my usual occupations because the snow falls, or the ice has covered the streets? Would you not rather wrap your garment about you, and meet the present inconvenience for the sake of a future good? You inhabit a world