Page:Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse.pdf/251

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BEING the first number selected as a specimen of a series of pieces on scripture subjects, intended for the use of young people.

WHEN night and Chaos reign'd with awful sway,
And o'er the unform'd earth thick darkness lay,
The Almighty voice awoke the kindling strife,
And call'd the dormant elements to life.

"Let there be light;" a sudden ray there came,
Like ether, pure, and piercing as the flame;
"Let day arise;" a blush of purple flow'd;
The young dawn trembled, and the morning glow'd;
"Let night divide the empire of the day,"
And frowning darkness claim'd his ancient sway.

Then like an arch the azure skies were rear'd,
The seas were gather'd, and the earth appear'd;
Clad with fresh flowers, and plants of gentle root,
Herb yielding seed, and tree presenting fruit.

Then, where the curving skies the Ocean prest,
The Sun, all glowing, darted from his rest;