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THE HAPPY PRINCE, and other Tales. By Oscar Wilde. ii6 pages, small 4to. Beautifully printed in old- faced type, on cream-laid -paper, with wide margins. Bound in Japanese Vellum Cover, printed in red and black. With three full-page Plates by Walter Crane, and eleven Vignettes by Jacomb Hood. Second Edition. 3s. 6d. Some press Bottces. Christian Leader. — "Beautiful exceedingly; charmingly devised — exqui- sitely told." Universal Review. — " Heartily recommended." Athenceum. — " Mr. Wilde possesses the gift of writing fairy tales in a rare degree." Dublin Evening Mail. — "A beautiful book in every sense. Glasgow Herald. — " It is difficult to speak too highly of these tales." FAIRY TALES FROM THE FAR NORTH. By p. C. AsBjoRNSEN. Translated by H. L. Br^kstad. With 94 Illustrations by E. Werenskiold, T. Kittelsen, and H. SiNDiNG. Small 4to (" Wonder Voyages " size), beautifully printed at the Ballantyne Press on specially manufactured paper. Cloth, designed Cover. 6s.

  • ^L* The raciest and quaintest oj stories, the most spirited

and humorous of illustrations. THE GIANT CRAB, and other Tales from Old India. Retold by W. H. D. Rouse. Profusely Illustrated by Wl Robinson. Square crown 8vo, beautifully printed at the Ballantyne Press on special paper. Designed Cloth Cover. 3s. 6d.

      • Adaptation for English children of Tales from the Oldest

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