Page:More Australian legendary tales.djvu/77

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Wurrunnah's Trip to the Sea

When the two Meamei[1] were translated to the sky from Wurrunnah's camp, failing to recover them, he journeyed on alone. He was now a long way from the spot he had started from, which was near Nerangledool. He had passed Yaraänbah, Narine, and had reached Nindeegoolee, where the little sand-ridges are, to where the Earmoonän have gone from Noondoo.

He was camping by some water when he saw a strange creature coming towards him, having the body and head of a dog, feet of a woman, and a short tail. It bounded four or five feet in the air as it came along, making a whirring, whizzing noise with its lips.

"What is this coming to water?" said Wurrunnah to himself. When the creature was close, he said: "It must be Earmoonän, one of the pups of the dog Byamee left at Noondoo that I have heard of."[2]

He called out to it, "Where is your old master?" for he thought he would find out if the strange creature knew where Byamee was. For answer the Earmoonän made the