Page:More English Fairy Tales.djvu/198

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MR. G. Ha! Steward, how are you, my old boy? How do things go on at home?

Steward. Bad enough, your honour; the magpie's dead!

Mr. G. Poor Mag! so he's gone. How came he to die?

Steward. Over-ate himself, Sir.

Mr. G. Did he indeed? a greedy dog. Why, what did he get that he liked so well?

Steward. Horseflesh; he died of eating horseflesh.

Mr. G. How came he to get so much horseflesh?

Stewardv. All your father's horses, Sir.

Mr. G. What! are they dead too?

Steward. Ay, Sir; they died of over-work.

Mr. G. And why were they over-worked?

Steward. To carry water, Sir.

Mr. G. To carry water, and what were they carrying water for?

Steward. Sure, Sir, to put out the fire.

Mr. G. Fire! what fire?