time’s up.” “All right, all right; there’s somethink else what's up at this end. You come and look at this 'ere glass." What’s gorn with the glass?" said the driver, approaching. 'Well, and oo's ’Arrington? What's it all about?" "I was just asking who was responsible for putting the advertisements up in your cars, and saying it would be as well to make some inquiry about this one.” “Well, sir, that's all done at the Company’s orfice, that work is: it’s our Mr. Timms, I believe, looks into that. When we put up to-night I’ll leave word, and per’aps I'll be able to tell you to-morrer if you ’appen to be coming this way.”
This was all that passed that evening. Mr. Dunning did just go to the trouble of looking up Ashbrooke, and found that it was in Warwickshire.
Next day he went to town again. The car (it was the same car) was too full in the morning to allow of his getting a word with the conductor: he could only be sure that the curious advertisement had been made away with. The