War and Revolution in Asiatic Russia
concern was to establish himself and his house as the ruling dynasty of this part of Azairbijan. "I am Karini Agha", the note began. "I am not Khurdu Bey, nor Bedr Khan Bey, nor even Sheikh Mahommed. These are my servants; and when I speak the mountains tremble. Your Cossacks shall be my hewers of wood, and their wives shall be my delight. As for you, you shall accept the faith of Islam or perish as a giaour."
The scenes that followed the Russian evacuation were indescribable. Thirty thousand Khurds poured down into the plain, and for two days the whole place was given over to plunder. Karini Agha and Rashid Bey set themselves up as dictators with a puppet of a Persian Governor. During the next week 800 Assyrian Christians were massacred, and 5,000 families robbed of all they possessed. About this time Dr. Packard did a courageous piece of work. At the risk of his life he went to Geok-tepe, a village in the plain, whither some 2,000 Christians had retired to make their last desperate stand in the church buildings against a host of Khurds. The doctor went straight to the Khurdish chief commanding the besiegers, and begged him in the name of humanity to spare the Christians, telling him that Mahommed had never countenanced cruelty, and had always taught his disciples to be kind and merciful. The effect of a personal appeal for mercy from one who inspires confidence even in a wild mountaineer was instantaneous. The Christians were liberated on condition of giving up their arms.
The reign of terror in Urumiah lasted for three months; then after the retreat of Halil Bey's army from Dilman, the Russians occupied the city and plain. The Persian Khurds retired with them, and Karini Agha soon became a Pasha