said the section boss. "The boys won't be long."
White came into the car where Bailey and Crowle were. Crowle was on his legs.
"I reckoned you were getting off, Mr. Crowle," said White.
Bailey saw a strange look in his face, and heard a strange intonation in his voice.
"Is this Jatan?" asked Crowle.
"It's—it's Jatan," said White.
"I don't see no lights."
"There ain't none just here," said White.
Crowle moved to the door, and White went out.
"You come," said Crowle, and somehow Bailey followed.
"Here you are," said White, and holding a lantern he flashed it in Crowle's face.
"Damn your lantern!" said Crowle. He thrust White aside and got upon the step.
"You come off," he said to Bailey, and Bailey's eyes were good enough to see what Crowle did not see.
"Good God!" said Bailey as the other went