"You're thinking more how to save Habersham than Weekes, Ginger."
"To bee sure," said Ginger. "I ain't stuck on Weekes, and I like Ben all right, and I reckon I like Mis' Habersham enough not to want to see her a widow. For the truth is she loves Ben well."
"I think you'd better find an excuse for locking one of them in the calaboose," I said. "Or you might pick a quarrel with Weekes and lay him out for a spell."
Ginger Gillett stopped suddenly.
"I say, old man, that's a notion! Derned if I don't think it over. I want peace in Painted Rock. I've my own reputation to think of. Painted Rock says to me, 'Ginger Gillett, give me peace, put down riots, and let peaceful citizens live till their time comes.' And I say, 'Right, that's my idea when I took the position of Marshal.' After supper I shall interview Mr. Weekes, for so far Habersham ain't committed any open act of rebellion agin me, and I cayn't arrest him on suspish, not much."
And then we parted, I to go to Hamilton's