that he held the barrel, and he struck Weekes a heavy blow with the stock upon the head. He fell heavily, and at that moment there was a shot, by whom fired I could not tell. And then Habersham appeared at the entrance. The lamp had had little oil in it, but it blazed upon the floor, and by its flames, before Gillett thew a slicker on them and trod them out, I saw Weekes lying on his back with a great red splash upon his face. Then there was darkness.
"My God!" said Habersham. He too had seen what I saw.
"You're too late, Habersham," said Gillett coolly. I saw Habersham's figure waver against the outer light of the stars.
"I—I meant to kill him," he said in a dreadful whisper. "And who's done it?"
"I have," said Gillett.
I sat down on a keg by the hardware counter, and as I did so Gillett lighted a match and another lamp. Then I heard quick, light footsteps outside, and Mrs. Habersham came running. She saw no one but Gillett, and he had his back turned. She thought he was