If my pore ole father ever kicks I've made up my mind to pull my freight out of this and travel. Tell me how much it would take for me to cross the seas and see London. I'm death on seein' London. Lord, hayf the way from yer to Painted Rock and houses all the way!"
Whenever he came into Painted Rock he let on that he was pining in the sorest way to see London, until the boys began to call him "London" instead of "Brazos." He didn't mind it in the least, for he was the best-tempered boy between the Arkansaw River and the Rio Grande.
"Shoot off your mouths," said Dick, "but you will be mad when I come back and tell you about the biggest City in the world that ole N'York ain't so much as a patch on. If N'York was as big as London the galoots from the East would be too big for their boots. I ain't stuck on men from the East, and it is pie to me to think that their derned ole city ain't as big as the one they hev over in England. It ain't that I like Englishmen much, though Charlie here is all hunky in his own way, but