it, for he charged me ten dollars all the way, and the grub was throwed in, not to say it was good, but they had no better. And so I went to sea with him, and the first thing I knew was that I couldn't eat, and it alarmed me caunsiderable. I said to the captain—'I cayn't eat. It's the first time this hez occurred.' Says he, 'Bimeby, in about half an hour, you'll be doin' much worse than not eat' 'Why?' says I. 'It's sea-sickness comin' on you,' says he. 'I never heerd of it,' I tells him. He replies, 'Then it'll surprise you all the more.' And it did. I wuz that sick for three days there's no tellin' about it. It's worse a deal than too much liquor, for that comes to an end in time, and this seems a fair stayer and no fatal error. However, bimeby I gets over it and feels very good, and gets out on deck and fell about some, the boat bein' unsteady, and the sea like a rollin' perairie, and very uninterestin', as I told the captain. And he says the sea's always thataway or too interestin', and he tells me a fair horrid yarn about a wreck. I disremember all the details, but I remember they scared me some. And so