fetches in the gal they jokers was hammerin', and she tells the trewth, with a black eye, and sobbin', pore thing. And what they done then I don't know, only that the old gent says he will caunfiscate my gun. With that I reemonstrates. 'Your reverence,' says I, 'what'll I do without my gun when I'm back hum to Texas?' And he allows fewer guns in Texas won't harm the State any. So I reckon he'd bin here, though from the look of him it didn't seem as if he'd ever roamed the perairies. And out we goes, me and the lord. The lord he done something and signed something, and so did I, and it seemed that if one of our victims finally perished we wuz to come up and be fined five shillings (which is a dollar and two bits) or take a week in the chain-gang. Then we goes out. And the lord says to me, 'Now, my son, you come along of me and tell me all about it.' And I likes him and his ways (and so would you if you'd seen him in the trouble), and we took a kaib and drove to his rooms in the further back parts of Picc'dilly.
"Waal, gentlemen, you may guess I was