what it was. That man sure insulted me in some way, havin' done it before, sayin' I'd brand mavericks as soon as eat pie. And he went on to throw out hints as to brand-burning. Jeff, my son, a maverick ain't nothing; there's no reason a man shouldn't brand any beast as his owner ain't keerful to put a mark on. But brand-burning is a hoss of another colour, and the insult bit into me. I feel in my bones he up and said things. Get up the pinto, Jeff."
There was visible distress in the boy's eyes, and he followed the old man into the house.
"Paw, don't you reckon it would be wiser to wait a day? After your jamboree your hand will shake some, and they do say that Mr. Walker shoots like death. There's many he's killed, and you don't use your gun oncet a year."
"Get up the pinto, boy," said Dexter. "I cayn't wait a day to learn what he said to me in the American House last night."
When Jeff opened his mouth again, the old