way to get any man to do what you want is for him to want it. So Ginger gasped a bit, and fell back towards the calaboose, and Keeley rose up and rushed him, and though Ginger hit him he grabbed holt again, and they was within five yards of the open big door. And the crowd broke out of its barriers right then, and there was a rush for us, and we yellin' to keep 'em back. But presently they settled down solid, leavin' nothin' but a straight run-in to the gaol, and in the clear space Ginger and Keeley tryin' to heave each other off their feet. And me bein' next to Ginger, I said, 'It's now or never. Ginger;' and I dessay my words got home to him in the riot, for now he had a good holt, and he threw Keeley and fell on him kerflummix and knocked the wind plumb out of him, till the under dog was like a squashed peanut. And Ginger grabbed him quick by both wrists with him on his back, and he dragged him right inside the calaboose yard before Keeley knew what had happened. I tell you the boys yelled till I thought the roof would fly off, for the excitement was tremenjus, and the money at stake highly