tains which was no good but led to trubble. I have taken holt of everything belongin to Jack and have realised what I could and will pay it to you on demand, being about a thousand dollars more or less, besides his share in some steers which I'm holdin and will realise a deal more if I'm lucky.—Yours truly, Silas Northrop.
"N.B.—I'm very sorry for your brother's death. He was a fine and clever boy, and I liked him. And now I can't shoot worth a cent owin to my havin no right hand to speak of.
"N.B.—It was dynamite as wrecked my shootin.
"N.B.—A letter to the Arizona House will always find me.— Yours truly, S. N."
The restaurant roared about us, and outside London's organic drone bore the burden of the music. But for me the walls fell down and London died, and I saw the vast expanse of the burnt and Texan plateau, the grey-brown brush, the thin grass, the gaunt