data, but it is evident that Ixtlilxochitl fixes it at 520 years after the flood, or 2236 after the creation—a period which must have antedated the Christian Era by a score of centuries or more." Baldwin's Ancient America, p. 204, says, "Its method (of computing time) was to count by equal periods of years, as we count by centuries, and their chronology presents a series of periods which carries back their history to a very remote time in the past."
Of the Maya's Short p. 519, says, "The venerable civilization of the Mayas, whose forest grown cities and crumbling temples hold entombed a history of vanished glory, no doubt belongs to the remotest period of North American antiquity. It was old when the Nahuas, then a comparatively rude people first came in contact with it, adopted many of its features and grafted upon it new life," Again, p. 475, "I must speak of that language which has survived unaltered through the vicissitudes of the nations that spake it thousands of years ago, and is yet the general tongue in Yucatan, the Maya. There can be no doubt that this is one of the most ancient languages on earth. It was used by a people that lived at least 6,000 years ago, as proved by the Katuns, to record the history of their rulers, the dogmas of their religion, on the walls of their palaces or the facades of their temples." Thus we prove the Book of Mormon to be false, just as much so as the father of lies.