Hunbatz | Enos |
Hunchouen | Gadiandi |
Hun-Came | Gad |
Hunahpu | Gidgidoni |
Melzotzin | Gideon |
Totzapantzin | Gidianton |
Tlapalmetzin | Gidianhi |
Tlacamihtzin | Hagoth |
Unkub-Came | Helam |
Unkub Hunahpu | Heleman |
Xbalanque | Heloram |
Xpiyacoc | Isaiah |
Xmucane | Ishmael |
Xquip | Jacob |
Zamna | Jarom |
Zipacna | Jershon |
This list gives the actual names that were here, with a corresponding number of Mormon names. That the reader, however, may see a full list of Mormon names, as given by the Book of Mormon, we give the full list. Lemuel, Limhi, Luram, Mathoni, Mathonihi, Melek, Mormon, Maroni, Moriah, Nehor, Nephi, Noah, Omni, Paanchi, Pachus, Pacumeni, Pahoran, Sam, Samuel, Seantum, Seezaran, Shem, Shemnon, Shiblon, Timothy, Tubaloth, Zarahema, Zeezrom, Zedekiah, Zemnariah, Zenephi, Zewiff, Zenos.
We again challenge the entire Mormon fraternity to a comparison of these names. There is not a name in the entire Mormon list that bears the remotest resemblance to any of the ancient names of Central America!! Why is this? The Book of Mormon says that the Nephites faithfully keep a record of their lineage, and as a consequence, a record of their proper names, and a record of their wars, their religious and political enterprises. Why then, we ask, is it that antiquarians fail to find any trace of these records?—fail to find a name that even resembles a Mormon name? Names of ancient men can be