might be as lords over the masses. This is what the Lord hates, and the reason is apparent. In the kingdom of the Christ we have a kingdom in which each citizen is a member of the royal family. They constitute, hence, a kingdom of priests, with equal rights and privileges, in all that pertains to the worship of God. In that kingdom there are no dignitaries to lord it over the masses. See Rev. 1: 6; I. Pet. 2: 9. Each member in that family is born of royal parentage. They are all children of God, and are hence, joint heirs with the King immortal. The holy place of the tabernacle that was erected by Moses, under the immediate directions of the Almighty, was given as a type of the institution of God in Christ. In that holy place all met as consecrated priests of God—all were sanctified to the same service—all within that institution were equal, had equal privileges in all the services therein. In Ezekiel's vision of the temple of God the same lesson is taught that is given in the tabernacle. In that vision is given a picture of a building composed of many rooms, each room the same size, and each room just the size of the entire building, and each worshipper in that building filled the same measure.
In the institution of God the Nicolaitan doctrine is positively prohibited, for that doctrine subverts the will of God, enslaves the masses, and keeps them from the light of God. In Rome we have a kingdom of the clergy. In that institution we find, hence a self constituted priesthood that has the ascendency over and rule of the people. In that institution, hence, we find the Nicolaitan doctrine, that which the Lord hates. In the Roman ecclesia there are ecclesiastical dignitaries of various sizes, and a centralization of power on earth. There we see the pope, the prelates, the cardinals, the arch-bishops, the diocesan bishops, the priests, etc., with a centralization of power at Rome; and if we should call attention to her demoniacal features we would mention the Hermits, the Dominican Friars, the Inquisition, etc.
In Mormonism there is the first presidency, the patriarchs,