get one that would have stopped such practice? Instead of seeking such he was discussing spiritual wifery! Why should Smith have been alarmed for fear they would have to leave the United States? It had been revealed to him, if we credit Mormon inspiration, that he was to build God's Zion—the New Jerusalem here. B. of M. p. 468: 3–6. Mormon inspiration is a queer something, anyway. We can prove by it that the militia of Missouri and Illinois were the power of God. When they were to begin to build their Zion, under the directions of the promised seer, the power of God was to come upon them. Under the directions of Joseph they began to build at Independence, Mo. But the Missouri militia came upon them. Therefore the Missouri militia was the power of God.
Under the directions of Joseph they began to build at Nauvoo, Illinois. But the Illinois militia came upon them. Therefore the Illinois militia was the power of God.
The testimony of Smith and Marks shows that polygamy had been practiced for a long time previous to the time of their conversation.
When the charter of Nauvoo was drafted, under the supervision of Smith, Gen. Bennett objected to certain clauses as being too strong. Smith replied:
We must have that power in our courts, for this work will gather of all mankind; the Turk, with his ten wives, will come to Nauvoo, and we must have laws to protect him with these wives. Budle, p. 72.
Ebenezer Robinson, at one time editor of the Times and Seasons, the official church organ at Nauvoo, and an especial confident of Smith's, being opposed to polygamy, united with the Reorganized church, in which he lived and died. Being intimately acquainted with the condition of affairs in Nauvoo, he considered it his duty, in behalf of truth to make a statement of facts. This he and his wife did. That statement was as follows: