man should be such as to tend wholly to the betterment of man's estate. In order to a proper conception of the thought necessary in order to the desired end, we need to enquire for the purpose of religion. The word means "a binding back," carrying the idea of reuniting severed ties. Worship is designed to bring the worshipper into conformity to the object worshipped. Thought, hence, to accomplish the desired end, must lead to and give a truer knowledge of God. Man cannot, however, by searching, find out God. Therefore, no line of finite thought can answer the purpose. A knowledge of God can not come from man but must come from God.
The purpose of religion is an infinite one. The design is to prepare man for the service of the Infinite Being, in the infinite beyond. If thought is to govern man, in view of the end purposed in religion, it must be infinite thought, for finite means cannot accomplish an infinite purpose. In order to the desired end a finite being can do nothing but lay hold of infinite provisions. All the provisions from God in man's behalf, are through Christ. He must, therefore, be an Infinite Being or the claims of the Bible are not true.
God says to man, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55: 8, 9. If we ask, where are the thoughts of the Almighty in man's behalf to be found? the answer is in the context, and assures us that his thoughts are in the words that he has spoken to man.
Man's words give man's thoughts, and can give nothing beyond. Therefore God's words alone can give God's thoughts. If the glory of God is involved in the matters of religion his thoughts alone should govern man in these matters. One to give to man the thoughts of God must be one that knows the mind of God. Christ affirms that he is the only teacher of the human family that knew God. He is, hence, of these matters, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.