taken to Salt Lake. After the controversy between L. O. Littlefield of Utah, and Joseph Smith, of Lamoni, Iowa, Littlefield published a tract entitled, "Celestial Marriage; Positive Proof that Joseph Smith Had Plural Wives." In that tract Mr. Littlefield says:
"In the History of Joseph Smith, under date of October 5, 1843, can be found the following: 'Gave instructions to try those persons who were preaching, teaching or practicing the doctrine of plural wives; for according to the law I hold the keys of this power in the last days; for there is never but one on earth at a time on whom the power and its keys are conferred, and I have constantly said that no man shall have but one wife at a time unless the Lord direct otherwise.'"
Of course, we are to understand that when Joe Smith gave permission for a man to have a plurality of wives it was the Lord "directing otherwise." For, of what benefit were the "keys of this power," without permission to use them. The polygamy, hence, that was practiced in Nauvoo, was by direction of Joe Smith. By what law did Smith hold the keys of this power? By the law embodied in the Polygamous Revelation! In this we have the testimony of Smith that polygamy was practiced by his approval, and that, hence, he was the author of the polygamous revelation. The keys of that power placed Smith over the entire marrying business. Governor Ford says:
"By means of his Common Council without the authority of law, he established a recorder's office in Nauvoo in which alone the titles of property could be recorded. In the same manner and with the same want of legal authority he established an office for issuing marriage licenses to Mormons, so as to give him absolute control of the marrying propensities of his people." Beadle, p. 92.
The reader will remember the requirement in the polygamous document, that "My servant Joseph" keep his property in his own hands. Why this? No bond, deed, record, enactment,