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were, surrendered their commission at the feet of Moses, the mediator of that covenant. The theocracy that was established with the giving of the law continued till the time was at hand for the ushering in of the period known as "The fulness of times,"—the establishing of the new, the everlasting covenant. When this covenant was to be established Moses and the prophets surrendered their commission at the feet of Jesus. From that time the command from God is Hear My Son.

Revelation was progressive, never retrogressive. The inferior surrendered to and was followed by the superior. Mormons claim that a new development was made through Joseph Smith; hence that with him a new period began. This being so it must be a progressive, a superior one. This being true God's will did not reach it's perfection in Christ. There are no retrogressive steps in inspiration neither does it do any work of supererogation. Can it be that God had something in reservation for man, to be made known through Joseph Smith, that was to be superior to what he gave through his Son? Is Mormonism superior to Christianity, and Joseph Smith above Jesus Christ? Such are the legitimate and blasphemous claims of this modernism!! For a revelation that had no superior claims over a former one, and that had no advantages over what had preceded it, no excuse could be given. Therefore, if with the appearing of the Book of Mormon a new period was to be ushered in, giving new advantages, advantages superior to any through previous revelations; then it follows, necessarily, that Jesus must surrender his commission at the feet of Smith! Was it for such purpose that God brought His Son to earth and introduced him to Smith?

That the Book of Mormon claims to be above the Bible is shown by the following:

"Wherefore, thou seest that after the book [that is, the Bible] hath gone forth through the hands of the great and abominable church [the church of Rome] that there are many plain and precious things taken away from the book, which is the book of the Lamb of God, and these plain and precious things were taken away, it goeth forth unto all the nations of