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Christ is all that is necessary in order to the desired end. With the impartion, hence, of that knowledge, the work of inspiration and revelation ceased. With the revelation given through Christ, as recorded in the New Testament, that knowledge was perfected. Therefore, with the completion of the New Testament revelation from God ceased. This being so, all pretended revelation since the completion of the New Testament are fraudulent. That such is the case we now purpose to demonstrate.

What man needed in his fallen and benighted condition was light. Christ is the light of the world. He is to the people of God what the luminary of day is to the inhabitants of earth. One enjoying the fullness of the noon day sun does not need a jack o'lantern to enable him to see his way. To deny that Christ brought the needed light to man is to surrender the claims of the Bible. Surely, those who enjoy fellowship with the Father and the Son are heirs of eternal life, and have the needed light. The apostle says, "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you that your joy may be full."—I. John 1: 3. 4. Here it is affirmed that through what was delived by the apostles, we have thecessary knowledge in order to Fellowship with the Father and the Son, and in order to fulness of joy. The trouble has ever been and ever will be:—"And this is the condmnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." John 3; 19. To reveal is to bring to light. The inspiration and revelation from heaven were designed to bring man the light of God. That light could only be afforded by bringing to man the true knowledge of God. As to the amount of light necessary man could not know. It was, hence, a matter to be decided by the Almighty. God having decided this matter, would, of necessity, be governed by his own decision or acknowledge that he made