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no light of inspiration is afforded beyond what we have in the development of the two covenants. There is no third olive tree, no third son of oil, no golden pipe for an eighth division, no golden oil for any book except what we have in the Bible. In view of the facts now before us we unhesitatingly say: If such as Mohammed, Swedenborg, Jo. Smith, Ellen G. White, et al., have been favored with inspiration it was from the infernal regions, not from above.

Chapter Five.

We have briefly noticed the candlestick in the light of Zechariah's vision. The lessons gleaned, however, demonstrate the fact that God providentially guarded and directed the preservation of his revelations to man, till the Bible, in its matter and arrangement, gives just what God foretold should be given his people, pertaining to inspiration and revelation. It is readily seen that the statement of Orson Pratt relative to the collection of the manuscripts to constitute the Bible is utterly false—shown, hence, that the inspiration directing the first propagators of Mormonism was from a lying spirit. The lesson learned also shows the infidelity in what, by modern scribes, is called Higher Criticism.

If the inspiration and revelation afforded in order to the full development of the two covenants did not bring to man the necessary knowledge, did not, hence, afford the required light, we cannot claim inspiration for the Bible. Accepting, however, the statement of Christ, that a knowledge of the Father and the Son was all that was necessary in order to the desired end, we accept necessarily, the conclusion that with the perfection of that knowledge the work of inspiration and revelation ceased. Such is the lesson taught by the candlestick. Therefore, in the New Testament we have the true light of God. Christ is the true light of God, and as that light cannot be supplemented there has been no inspiration and revelation from God since the