deceiver. This places Joseph Smith in his true light, and shows him to be an imposter.
Some things are impossible with God. As we are told that it is impossible for God to lie, it is impossible for Him to sanction a lying document. We have, however proven by the testimony of Peter and Paul, that the Book of Mormon is a lying document. Therefore we prove by Peter and Paul that it is impossible for God to endorse the Book of Mormon. This proves by the testimony of Almighty God that the Book of Mormon is a fraud. This shows beyond the possibility of a doubt that if there was any inspiration at work in producing the Book of Mormon it was from the infernal regions. It may be said that we use strong language. We reply, we have a severe case, and the demand is for strong medicine. I want these things to be seen in their true light. The claims of the Bible are involved. For that man who would approach me as a pretended friend, but while imparting a kiss would stab me under the fifth rib, honorable people can have no respect. When God had established the remedial system, brought to man his true grace, and provided for His people to enjoy His fulness, there was no demand for anything farther, nor could there be, unless there could be a demand for something beyond the true grace and fulness of God. To the Ephesians Paul said: "And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all."—Eph. 1: 22, 23. The testimony of Peter and Paul being true. a congregation of believers planted in the gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament enjoys the fulness of God and stands in His grace. The work of inspiration and revelation was in order to bring man to the enjoyment of these. That done and its work was complete. God said to Paul: "My grace is sufficient for thee." His grace as provided in Christ, which is enjoyed by being in the New Testament arrangement is sufficient for all, otherwise the whole thing is a failure.