seen, however, the New Testament contains the fulness of the gospel of Christ, and by the authority of Christ God's people are commanded to contend just as the auther of the Book of Mormon anticipated. If a people are a set of fools for pursuing a certain course, the teacher who would direct them in such a course would be a fool, worse than a fool. But Christ in directing his people to contend for the sufficiency of His gospel directs them in a course that none but fools would go!! Therefore, Christ is a fool, or worse than a fool. Such is the logic of the Book of Mormon. This demonstrates one fact, namely, the spirit by which the author of that book was inspired was a lying blasphemous spirit!
We now submit the following emphasized proposition. God does not furnish light or life to any object, either in the spiritual or material universe except through mediation. It is a scientific fact that electricity is the source of light and heat, the medium, hence, of life to all objects in the material universe, whether animate or inanimate. God is the fountain of life and light. Through the arrangements of God the necessary light and heat, in order to animal and vegetable life are distributed. While the universe of worlds constitute one grand system, there are millions of systems of worlds, each having a common center upon which all the members of the system are dependent. These centers are the mediums through which the light and heat, essential to each member are distributed. The sun is the common center of this planetary system. It is what astronomers call a luminous body. The planets, of which our earth is one, are opaque bodies, having no light within themselves, but are dependent upon the one luminous body for their light. Our sun is, hence, in the light of a mediator between the members of its system and the center of the universe. That man or set of men who would think of bringing the light and heat essential to animal and vegetable life direct from the seat of the universe independent of the sun would be by all intelligent people, considered insane, or, if possible, worse.