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Page:Mormonism Exposed (1902).djvu/76

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Chapter Twelve.

The mediatorship of Christ cannot be too closely and thoroughly studied. In order to see, not only the falseness of Mormonism, but also of every other false system of religion in existence, we only need to take a proper view of the mediatorship of Christ. He being the mediator of the new covenant, the one mediator between God and man, He is the power and wisdom of God and His gospel is the power of God in order to the salvation of man, His mediatorship cannot be ignored without ignoring the infinite wisdom of God. So long as time lasts the statement of Christ, "No man cometh unto the Father, but by me," will hold good. As in the obedience of faith by which the alien comes unto and is reconciled to God in Christ there is a transition from the power of darkness into the kindom of God, it is called a birth. Under this figure Jesus anticipating the required obedience said: "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."—John 3: 5. This language of Christ is a solemn affirmation, in any court equivalent to an oath. At this point the oaths of the Father and Son meet. In the commission the Son promises salvation to all who comply with the conditions mentioned, or, which is the same, citizenship in His kingdom. In the language quoted from John he testifies that without such obedience no one can be a citizen. His oath, hence, stands between all aliens and the kingdom of God. Upon the other hand, His oath is in behalf of all who comply with the conditions specified. When God made promise to Abraham He backed His promise by His oath. In making that promise God contemplated certain ones as heirs thereto, and His oath is in behalf of such. Christ's promise in the commission could not be otherwise than as contemplated by His Father when the