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Page:Mormonism Exposed (1902).djvu/83

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for show; for he could stand eight to ten hours at a time and let the Nephite people thrust their hands into his side!!! People that can accept such stuff certainly do not reason, or they pride in being duped.

Speaking of the day of Pentecost Luke says: "And there were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven."

  1. All the nations under heaven where devout Jews lived were represented at Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost.
  2. But there were no Jews there from the American continent.
  3. Therefore no devout Jews lived on the American continent. Again,
  1. The epistle of James was addressed to the twelve tribes that were scatted abroad.
  2. But the epistle of James was not addressed to the Nephites.
  3. Therefore, the Nephites were not of the twelve tribes.

We now call attention to the significant fact that the author of the Book of Mormon was totally ignorant as to what it took to constitute a conversion, either under the law or the gospel. The Lamanites, it is claimed, in the commencement of their existence went away from all that was right, and became a wild, ferocious people, like the wild tribes of American Aborigines. The Nephites, it is claimed, were, when they were not heathen, strict observers of the law of Moses, being Jews. At times, when they would become exceeding good, they would make strenuous efforts to convert the heathen. But when converts would be made, did they comply with the requirements of the law? See Exodus 12: 48, 49. All knew that the Jews circumcised their converts. Where is there an intimation in the history of the Nephites that they kept this Jewish rite or observed any of the feasts as required by the law? The fact is, that the author of the Book of Mormon had no conceptions of conversion, only such as were vaguely gathered at the exciting meetings that were common in Joseph