Assuming that the Bible is true, enough has been given to demonstrate the falsity of the Book of Mormon. Yet, that the strength of what has been presented may more readily be seen we purpose to consider, to some extent, the claims of Christianity as a system. This we need to do, if we would see the claims of the New Testament in their true light. In the investigation, hitherto, of theological positions, questions and systems, there has been to a great extent, a mere grappling with particles, rather than the handling of systems.
Theological discussions should be such as to bring before the people the merits of systems. When such is not the case, there is, as a rule, a contention over side issues. In such contentions, there is, to a great extent, a mere war of words. Those who are conscious of occupying the vantage ground of truth can well afford to avoid all appearances of hiding counsel by a multitude of words.
If Christianity is not, as a system, perfect and complete, it claims will have to be surrendered. Unhesitatingly we say, If in Christianity, as a system, we do not have perfection, the claims of the Bible will have to be surrendered. Perfection cannot be supplemented. It cannot admit of addition, subtraction, nor alteration. If in Christianity, as a system, we do not have perfection, it is an imperfect system. God designed the perfection of His people, and there is not a proposition more clearly set forth in the New Testament than this proposition: The divine arrangement was given in order to the perfection of all who would accept of the offered salvation. Christ prayed that His people might be made perfect in one, that is, in one institution—the institution of which Christ is the head. John 17: 20–23. Paul says the scriptures of inspiration were given