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dies, and delivers the old legacy over to Shiblon, which consisted of the brass plates, gold plates, the compass, the big sword, the stone spectacles and the peep-stone, all sacred relics!! In the thirty-sixth year, Moroni dies, after having in a pious manner killed hundreds of thousands of the heathen.

At about the conclusion of the Book of Alma, one Hagoth is ushered on the stage as an old ship carpenter—"And it came to pass, that Hagoth, he being an exceeding curious man, therefore he went forth and built him an exceeding large ship, on the borders of the land Bountiful, by the land Desolation, and launched it forth into the West Sea, by the narrow neck which led into the land northward.—Query—did John Bunyan, when writing his Pilgrim's Progress, pilfer terms from the Book of Mormon, or had the author of our new revelation become familiar with the words Bountiful and Desolation by reading that eccentric but excellent production?

The ship which Hagoth built, was large and commodious for passengers. Many are said to have embarked in this ship for other countries northward, and our ship carpenter built a great many more within the term of two years!—This furnishes the credulous Mormon with a plausible account of the first inhabitants upon the Islands in the Pacific Ocean, and of those west of the Rocky mountains.

The sacred legacy, consisting of the plates and the peep stone, is next confered upon Helaman, the son of Helaman, which ends the account of Alma, and his sons Shiblon and Helaman, p. 406.